Eco-design guide for digital services

7.10 Default options

Fine-tuning default options

Last but not least, let us not overlook the impact of our design choices in terms of default options. These are, by definition, the most widely used and therefore those with the highest impact, which is why it is essential to choose them wisely.


Largest size by default

Using the example of Unsplash once again, the default download option is the one with the original size, i.e. the heaviest (often between 1 and 6 MB).
And indeed, if we download the image using the shortcut on the preview, the only option is the original size.
However, when we click the image to open it, we then find a download button with a drop down menu to pick a size (Small, Medium, Large), but this option is hidden and difficult to find.
The Small option is about 20 times lighter than the original size, for a quality more than adequate for most users. And with a monthly number of downloads around 100 million, it is easy to imagine what gains could be made if the default option was Small instead.

Download button with several options (Small, Medium, Large, Original Size)

Default download settings

In the data and storage settings, it is possible to change the download mode for media files.
The default option is to automatically download media files when using mobile data. Yet we know that 4G's environmental impact is as high as 20 times more important than a WIFI connection (DSL/fiber) (Digital frugality: solutions for action (French)). To bring down that impact, the default option should be set to not automatically download media files when using mobile data. And when on WIFI, settings should allow users to select what type of media should be automatically downloaded (for instance, video could be excluded).

Default settings: media files are automatically downloaded when on mobile data. Modified settings: media files are not downloaded automatically when mobile data is on.
Default Whatsapp Whatsapp with modified options

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