Eco-design guide for digital services


Designers and writers

Aurélie Baton

Anne Faubry


Karl Pineau

Proofreaders and contributors

Karl Pineau

Frédéric Bordage

Marie Girard

Richard Hanna

Léo Wellhoff

Christophe Clouzeau

Léna Le Doaré

Vincent Riva

Pierre-Yvon Carnoy

Manuel Taraud

Anne-Sophie Tranchet

Solène Constant

Flora Brochier

Ferréole Lespinasse

Interested in contributing?

Do not hesitate to reach out to use to share your comments and contribute to the growth of this guide.

Join our channel #projet_ecoconception on the Designers Éthiques Slack.

With the support of

Collectif Conception Numérique Responsable

Usage license

Creative Commons license CC-By