Eco-design guide for digital services
Examples of eco-designed websites
Below is a selection of eco-designed websites, though it is obviously not an exhaustive list. To avoid any redundancy, we have opted to exclude websites for the various contributors specialized in environmentally conscious digital technologies, and which are, for the most part, eco-designed.
Websites selling consumer products:
- Tsingy, Shop selling organic and sustainable self-care products (French)
- La Ruche Biocoop, Organic and militant grocery stores (French)
- Un Ecrin Vert - Biocoop Montreuil, Organic grocery store (French)
- Boutique Natali, Shop selling organic powder-based food preparations (French)
- La Boutique du Partage: Donations, borrowing, sharing (French)
- Les filles, Organic restaurant (French)
- Brawcoli, Restaurant featuring organic and locally-sourced foods (French)
- AMAP de Chelles, Association pour le Maintien d’une Agriculture Paysanne à Chelles (Association for the Preservation of a Farmer-centered Agriculture in Chelles) (French)
Showcase websites
Website for organizations (companies and associations) targeting client companies, volunteers, or other partners:
- Commown, Electronic equipment rentals (French)
- Kaïros Sailing, Racing team: athletic and sustainable projects (French)
- Webaxys, Environmentally conscious data centers solutions (French)
- Magazzino, Upcycling stage sets and props (French)
- Nojavel, Association fighting against food waste and insecurity (French)
- Mountain Riders, Association to educate about ecological transitioning (French)
- États Généraux de la Transition du Tourisme en Montagne, Annual event focusing on the role of mountainous areas in the ecological transition (French)
Politically-committed creative agencies
- Jeudi matin, Brussels-based design agency (French)
- Rose primaire, Sustainable communication agency (French)
- La Coopérative des Internets, Lyon-based agency focused on digital sustainability (French)
- Fairness - Concevoir responsable, Sustainable design cooperative (French)
- Les Licoornes, Cooperatives focused on the ecological transition (French)
- Circomplexe, Sustainable management agency (French)
- Behaven, Sustainable design company (French)
Large companies
- RATP Group, Website for the Paris public transit system (French)
- Dalkia, Electricity supplier (French)
Media websites
Websites featuring mostly written or audio content:
- Le Low-tech Lab, Sharing solutions for a low-tech approach (French)
- Low←Tech Magazine, Online magazine focused on low-tech solutions (French)
- Branch: A Sustainable Internet for All, Online magazine on sustainable digital technologies
- Politiques des communs, Compiling propositions made at the municipal level (French)
- Questions d'Asso, Podcasts about associative life (French)
- Celtique ? L’expo, Website for the “Celtique ?” exhibit held at the Musée de Bretagne (French)
Public sector
Websites for government websites at the national or local level:
- Grenoble Alpes Metropole, Website for the Grenoble urban area (2023) (French)
- Les Champs Libres, Rennes-based cultural center (2024) (French)
- Ille et Vilaine, Website for the Ille-et-Vilaine département (French)
- Numérique écoresponsable, Website for the Inter-ministerial mission for environmentally conscious digital technologies (Mission Interministérielle Numérique écoresponsable - MiNumEco) (French)
- Ademe, Ecological transition agency (French)
- Welcome to GOV.UK, United Kingdom government website
- Adaptaville (Agence Parisienne du Climat), Ecosystem of urban solutions to adapt to climate change (French)
- Plateaux numériques, Minimalist websites for towns and villages (French)
This list is far from exhaustive! You can find more examples on lowww directory (though we cannot guarantee that all are eco-designed).