Designing without dark patterns
guide for designers 10. Ressources
In my library
- Special issue: Digital Responsibility by Kaizen (French)
To read online
- Articles by Anthony Masure (French)
To listen / watch
- Dopamine series by Arte (English of French)
- Your Undivided Attention - Podcast Center of Humane Technology (English)
- 'The Social Dilemma' documentary by Jeff Orlowski (English or French)
Dark patterns
To discover them
- Website that lets us experience how the web is experienced today (English)
- Playful interface to discover dark patterns : user interface (English)
In my library
- Hooked by Nir Eyal (English or French)
To read online
- Deceptive design website (English)
- What are deceptive design patterns? M.J. Kelly (English)
- Ways to implement the principle of transparency within the interfaces and user journeys by the LINC from the CNIL (English of French)
- Fairpatterns by Amurabi (English)
To read online
- Captology evaluation matrix by Designers éthiques (French)
- Assessing the captology and persuasive design of digital services - Article by I2d (French)
In my library
- The attention economy by Yves Citton (French)
To read online
- For a retro design of attention by the Fing (French)
- Your attention please! What can we do about the attention economy? by the CNNum (French)
Design and personal data
To read online
- Guideline by the CEPD design patterns in social media platform interfaces (English)
- Données & Design website by the LINC from the CNIL (English or French)
- GDPR - Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 by the CNIL (English)
To read offline (pdf)
- The shape of choices by the LINC from the CNIL (French)
- Data, privacy and liberties by the LINC from the CNIL (French)